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Manhattan Cardiology
Stay safe this holiday season by preventing heart attack.
Overeating, drinking too much alcohol and over-exertion can all contribute to heart attack.
Keep your heart healthy by:
1. Limiting your alcohol intake
2. Eating in moderation
3. Using caution on cold days when exercising
4. Knowing the signs of heart attack
The signs of heart attack vary from men to women. Seeking attention right away is key to surviving heart attack.
For men, signs of heart attack include tightness, pressure or discomfort in the chest; heart attack may occur during physical activity or high levels of stress.
For women, signs include feeling out of breath, nausea, vomiting and gastric discomfort.
Be safe, not sorry. Seek medical attention promptly if you believe you are experiencing a heart attack.
At Manhattan Cardiology, we want you to have a safe and healthy holiday season.