If you have end-stage heart failure, the LVAD pump may extend your life.
While taking this specific steroid medication, it’s best to avoid foods with high cholesterol, saturated fat, and sodium.
New recommendations for the diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of high blood pressure have been released.
Here are five things that have the potential to cause harm to your heart if you are flying.
Hydrochlorothiazide is a prescription medication used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension.
Consuming a nutritious diet with the goal of lowering cholesterol may enhance the results of your cholesterol tests.
Heart disease killed almost 382,000 men in 2021 alone, showing how important it is to stop this quiet killer right away.
According to scientific findings, maintaining good cardiovascular health may also delay the onset of biological aging.
Medication is not required for all individuals who have high cholesterol. Naturally lowering cholesterol may be possible for certain people.
Your current lifestyle is a major factor in determining your cholesterol levels.